"President Obama spoke with Indonesian President Yudhoyono today to congratulate him on the back selected as the President and the support and solidarity for the government and people of Indonesia after the terror attack yesterday in Jakarta," the contents of such a White House statement.
"The President reaffirms close cooperation between the United States and Indonesia in the face ekstremisme in Southeast Asia and around the world."
A hard line leader of Malaysia sought for several terror attacks, Noordin Top, have been used as the possible mastermind bombardment suicide in two luxury hotels.
Noordin Top have been the last few years, security forces searched this and he was hiding in Bandung. Meanwhile, Dr Azhari, a Malaysian citizen who is also known as terrorists, security forces succeeded ditewaskan Indonesia some years ago.
Obama also praised Indonesia, the most religious people who embraces Islam, on the general election that could be a source for the Muslim world. "The President stated that a successful general election in Indonesia on July 8 reminds the world that Islam, democracy, and diversity can live side by side and fight together," he said.
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Source : Kompas
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